- AAC augmentative and alternative communication
- ADD attention deficit disorder
- ADHD attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
- APE adaptive physical education
- ABA applied behavior analysis
- ASD autism spectrum disorder
- AT assistive technology
- BSP behavior support plan
- CAPD central auditory processing disorder
- ED emotional disturbance
- ESY extended school year
- FAPE free appropriate public education
- HOH hard of hearing
- ID intellectual disability
- IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
- IEE independent educational evaluation
- IEP individualized education program
- ITP individual transition plan
- LAS language and speech
- LRE least restrictive environment
- NPS nonpublic school
- OHI other health impairment
- OI orthopedic impairment
- OT occupational therapy
- RSP/RST resource specialist program/ resource specialist teacher
- RTC residential treatment center
- SDC/SDP special day class/ special day program
- SLD specific learning disability
- SLI speech or language impairment
- SLP speech-language pathologist
- TBI traumatic brain injury
- VI visual impairment