
Providing Parents
 Legal Advocacy For Children’s Educational Rights

What Clients Say

I need to thank you once again, as what you do, is more that what you get paid for. A good attorney is difficult to find in the first place, and finding one who has belief in helping the client, lot more that what he/she is paid for, is a next to impossible task.Your compassion for the betterment of children, for a better tomorrow in their lives, is worth more that the fee you charge. There are many families including our family, who cannot pay you enough, for the hard work you have done, for [my daughter’s] better tomorrow and many other kids like her.

I have learnt from the best in their field of work and you are, by the Grace of God, top of your game with your knowledge and your expertise. I have learnt a lot from you and intend to remain an ardent student of yours. You have spent years getting better at working through a system, which is bureaucratic and broken but the powers to be don’t want to fix it. Therefore I believe, you will always be a coach to me and God Willing gainfully employed.  I intend to be satisfied with the golden egg every day, rather than feast on a whole chicken today and have famine tomorrow.

As always, your services are very important to our family. You always know exactly how to guide each and every communication. We are privileged to have you as part of our team.

This is a testament to just how hard you worked for us and no amount of money should ever be enough to represent your dedication. Thank you again from the entire family.

In my humble opinion Arlene, what you do, to help children build a better future with the right support, is in itself priceless.  We will always pray for you Arlene, as you are giving our entire family a big helping hand, and again the emotional support you provide us, is in itself worth more than our entire net worth.  We will always owe you a lot more, than what you will end up billing us Arlene.  This is coming directly from a father (thousands of miles away), with tears in his eyes, for a wonderful attorney, who has a heart of gold and is helping my little daughter.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!  We truly appreciate your time, effort and guidance.  We could not have done this without you.  We toast to the results you achieved for [our son] and our family."

To Arlene Bell. Thank you for helping my family overcome obstacles. It is a journey filled with twists and turns, but life also gives us angels to guide us through the unknown. Thank you for being an angel that guides us. Because of your help and professionalism, you made life alot easier for my son and ensured his school met his needs. My son and I will always be grateful. Thank you."

You’ve been a blessing to our family. Many thanks for the great work you do for the children who need help the most."

We will be forever grateful to you, not only for your skill and expertise, but for the humanity you brought to our situation. We wholeheartedly thank you.”

Thank you so much for your expertise and advocacy over the years. You’ve helped us so much-our success in dealing with the school district wouldn’t have happened without you.”

We thank God for you…you are a God send to our family. May he richly blessed you.”